Friday, March 22, 2013

Text Procedure

Ryan Herdiansyah: Procedure Text

Selamat datang di blog yang sederhana ini.
Untuk postingan kali ini saya akan menshare suatu materi bahasa inggris mengenani teks prosedur atau Procedure Text. Bagi yang sedang belajar dan membutuhkannya silahkan simak artikelnya.

1.Ciri umum
A.Tujuan komunikatif teks:
  • Memberi petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah.

B.Struktur teks:
  • Tujuan kegiatan
  • Bahan-bahan
  • Langkah-langkah

C.Ciri kebahasaan:
  • Pola kalimat imperative, misalnya cut, don’t mix, dsb.
  • Action verbs, misalnya turn, put, don’t mix, dsb.
  • connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb.
  • Adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2 centimetres from the top, dsb.

2.Contoh struktur dan teks:
Tujuan: How to Make Ice Cream
Bahan: Ingredients
  • 2 cups milk (not skim) or cream
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • teaspoon Vanilla extract (can substitute other flavoring.)
  • Several cups of Ice (the smaller the pieces, the better)
  • 1 cup salt (rock salt is best, but table salt can also be used)
  • Tub or large coffee can to hold salt and ice
  • Glass bowl or small coffee can
  • Electric mixer or whisk
  • Ice cream scoop
  • Storage container for freezer
Langkah-langkah: Here are the instructions that you must follow to make ice cream
1. Setting up the cooling apparatus. Stir ice and salt in the larger container. Double-check that the small container will fit into the larger one even with the ice.
2. Combine the ingredients. Mix together the milk, sugar, and vanilla in the glass bowl. Then, set this bowl in the tub filled with ice and rock salt, making sure that the salt water does not spill into the bowl. Instead of a glass bowl and tub, you can also use a small coffee can inside a large coffee can.
3. Mix the ice cream. Mix the ingredients in the small container vigorously. The salty ice mixture will cool the mixture down until it turns into ice cream. Mix very thoroughly. If you're using a whisk instead of an electric mixer in your glass bowl, you'll have to stir very hard, or ice crystals will form in the ice cream. If you are using the coffee can method, make sure both cans are well sealed, and then roll and shake to mix the ice cream mixture. It should take about 10 to 15 minutes to stir the ice cream using either method. Stir until it is free from ice crystals and is the right consistency.
4. Storage and serving. If you don't eat the ice cream right away, be sure to store it in the freezer so that it doesn't melt.

Mungkin hanya sedikit materi tentang text procedure di atas,semoga bermanfaat bagi para pembaca.
Terima kasih karena telah mengunjungi blog ini.